Tehnical Expert Confirms It: Bush is Wired The Bush campaign still is claiming Bush isn’t wearing anything, and that he just has unusually large and oddly shaped wrinkles on the back of his clothes, but an expert says otherwise. He’s been wearing a high-tech earpiece at the debates. Speculation continues to run wild about President Bush's mystery bulge. Since Friday, when the media first raised questions about the rectangular bulge that was visible under Bush's suit coat during the presidential debates, many observers in the press and on the Internet have wondered aloud whether the verbally and factually challenged president might be receiving coaching via a hidden electronic device. Now a technical expert who designs and makes such devices for the U.S. military and private industry tells us that he believes the bulge is indeed a transceiver designed to receive electronic signals and transmit them to a hidden earpiece lodged in Bush's ear canal. "There's no question about it. It's a pretty obvious one -- larger than most because it probably has descrambling capability," said Alex Darbut, technical and business development vice president for Resistance Technology in Arden Hills, Minn. Darbut examined photographs of the president's back taken from the Fox News video feed at the first presidential debate in Coral Gables, Fla., as well as 2002 photos of the president driving and working in a T-shirt on his Crawford ranch, which were posted on the White House Web site. Darbut speculates that the device the president wears is provided by the Secret Service, noting, "They're not going to have him driving around the countryside on his ranch without being in instant contact with him." No one in the White House or Bush campaign, however, has offered such an explanation. In fact, the Bush camp has shed little light on the mysterious protuberance, turning aside questions with dismissive humor or rising tones of exasperation. The president is "a regular guy," White House chief of staff Andy Card told Salon's Tim Grieve before the second debate last week. "Maybe his suit had a little lump in it or something." Campaign spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish took the same line with the New York Times on Saturday: "It was most likely a rumpling of that portion of his suit jacket, or a wrinkle in the fabric." But Devenish, the Times dryly noted, "could not say why the `rumpling' was rectangular." Campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel brushed aside a questioner in a Washington Post chat session by saying, "I think you've been spending a little too much time on conspiracy Web sites." On Tuesday, in response to repeated questions from Salon, the Bush camp finally issued a flat denial. Campaign spokesman Reed Dickens denied that Bush has ever used an electronic device to aid his public speaking, insisting the president was wearing "nothing during the debates." When asked about the pictures taken at the Bush ranch, Dickens said the president has never used any devices except for cutting tools and earplugs to protect his ears from the high-decibel chainsaw. Nor has the Secret Service outfitted Bush with a hidden communications device, according to Dickens: "He doesn't need something like that because the Secret Service is always with him. They ride in the truck in the back. Wherever he goes, they're with him." Despite the official denials, the bulge brouhaha is still ballooning. On Tuesday, the New York Daily News produced a master tailor named Frank Shattuck who, after viewing photos from both debates, confirmed, "There's definitely something there, in between the shoulder blades. I can't say what it is, but it's not hidden very well. They should have come to me. I can hide a pistol under the breast." http://www.isbushwired.com/ http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/
a $3000 dollar suit has wrinkles or rumples, yeah right that really the best excuse they can come up with? a perfectly rectangular rumple?
I dont like Kerry either. He seems more cardboard than Bush. Isnt it about time they had a ethnic pressy?
he's genetically modifying himself for experimental purposes.... so they can remopve the dickhead gene from his family in years to come!
yeah but in my opinion if bush stays in power it can only mean more unpopular action backed up by false intelligence getting us (the UK) into serious terrorist situations. I think it is only a matter of time before something like 9/11 happens here. This is all caused by a prime minister which more people did not vote for in the 1997 elections than voted for, who does not listen to the polls and continues to do what he believes is right. Didnt we elect him to be a prime minister for the people?? BUSH OUT
I kind of agree with your point, but Kerry and the democrats are not much better than Bush and the republicans. Kerry may not have his own private interests at much to heart as Bush does, but whatever administration is in will still pander to the will of the corporations. With the British twat of a PM (****y ****y ****) - we think that we are voting someone in to follow the will of the people, but we truly have f-all say in anything. We have a representative government - not exactly a democratic one. It's why democracy is laughable - the government can do what it likes, but as long as there is free speech and people can protest, plus vote every four years for the same old shit, the government of the time can have their cake and eat it. (the capitalists in America have found a saviour in Bush - they can do bad things, destroy the earth, get their hands bloody, whilst making lots of money - and Bush takes the flak for it! Look at Halliburton et al in Iraq for example. Bad shit.) I have lost faith in all types of society - IMO capitalism, democracy, socialism, fascism, etc, do not work. Which is why I really do want to move to the Antarctic and raise penguins.
it makes u think when u listen to the campain focus of each of the candidates - they're now concentrating on security, strength and the economy - while back in 2000 it was education, welfare and health care - which are now hardly mentioned
doubt it man, he´s pushing it now, he´s 65 or so. He was an advisor when nixon was in power..... plus he´s as crooked as the rest of bush´s cabinet.
In other words: slavery, oppression and the continuation of the system. Fuck me have I turned cynical.