Talla 2xlc would'nt mind if this guy came. plays @ crasher quite a bit and supposed to be canny hard, bit like picotto.
Talla's class, but i would'nt compare him to Piccotto! Not one of Talla sets have ever bored me, unlike piccotto. Talla does tend to play a little techno, but with a blend of trance too! Fookin Class!!!
have to say dave matey will stick up for you this time, don't know what kind of music he plays but the babble i've heard about him is good, would definatly go see him if he came.
Hes excellent. One of the most famous DJ's on the planet but was largely unknown in the uk until the last few years. I once turned around in Crasher and saw him standing right behind me on the dance floor, no one knew him then but when I went white he started laughing at me & my mate said to me "Who's your mate over there". Probably my best crasher memory!! Hes a lot like Jules BUT BETTER.
sorry 4 putting him on the same level as mauro but one of me mates went 2 crasher an dsaid he was like picotto but only much better. have listened to his music b4 and also fink he is one of the underated dj's.