The Farm I am watching this trash and am finding it more watchable than BB etc. Collymore & Ice are funny chaps and Rebecca Loo's is horny as. I found it strangly exciting when she was wanking off that pig
was funny as fuck when vanilla ice dropped his arse when collymore kicked off with him...hes a real hard man when he's kicking off with Paul Daniels and Terry christian though didnt see the bit with the pig but they were taking the piss on the radio this morning saying she was licking her lips as she did it
Rebecca Loos is quite possibly the most annoying attention seeking human being in the world, a close second is Victoria Beckham
It shot it's load for 5 mins Has beenquite amusingand the celebs are being admirably open about there faults. Terry Christaian is superb, a right noise up.
When the credits where coming it a voice said "Tomorrow Collymore makes a shock exit so you can vote for him to stay" I wont be able to sleep now
Cause he thought Rebecca was making a fool out of him, leading him on, etc. She cried her eyes out when he went though!
Former Aston Villa player Stan Collymore stormed off the set of television show The Farm yesterday. The shamed striker quit Five’s rural reality show after claiming he could not stand to be around Vanilla Ice, real name Robert van Winkle, who he described as lazy. Collymore, who timed his appearance on the show with the publication of his autobiography, had already had verbal clashes with the ‘90s rapper. The final straw came when Vanilla was still in the bathroom, despite several requests from female contestants for help with the daily farm duties. “Get him out!” Collymore shouted at Rebecca Loos, who is managing the farm this week. “F***ing on the toilet... does it not bother any of you?” he demanded of the other farmhands. “It does, Stan, but what can you do? You can’t drag him off the loo,” said Debbie McGee, but Collymore was having none of it. I want him out working - and if he f***ing don’t, I’m off,” he stormed. And with that he left, despite pleas from the other contestants. Collymore, who also played for Leicester, Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, complained of missing his children and was disappointed Terry Christian had been voted off. The footballer’s departure followed a heart-to-heart with Ms Loos, who admitted she had feelings for him. **************MISSED A BIT************************ Collymore, 33, also had a few words to say about Loos, who he had ignored the night before when he went to bed - much to her disdain. "She flirted with me but she never said what he really felt," said upset Stan, who has been treated for depression in the past. "That says to me it's likely to be false and I don't wanna be taken for a d***." Loos, who often cuddled him, burst into tears when he departed.