feed them bread soaked in vinegar and biocarbonate of soda, that'll teach the feckers then watch em go kabooooom
i always think people from hartlepool sound like seagulls ''ere, mate, giz a chip' or is that seagulls sound like people from hartlepool?? hmmm
used to do it wi cats, once they've drank/eaten it u scare the shit out of them so they jump or run and their stomachs explode. that'll teach the independant trespassin bastards
Does it actually work though? And why? :spangled: I might try it. We need Andy on the case to explain why it works scientifically
dunno how it works but it does, wen they eat it i guess flying about shifts it all around their stomach and then they jus go bang
aye it works. cannot remember exactly how but summink to do wi the acid in the stomach and all the chemical reaction malarky. me mate's dad did explain it but cannot remember. he used to put it out coz the cats would try and get into his bird cages, sure he used to use cricket bat wax or oil or whateva it is as the cats are attracted by the smell. suppose u couldnt do it nowadays like, get done for animal cruelty. the same as u cannot cement glass etc round the top of ya walls now coz if sum1 tries to break in they can sue u if they get cut!!! crazy man!!
I can see Shields being extinct of Seagulls very soon once Hoover reads up on this! We get them perching on the chimneys on our street & the next one over. We don't really hear them in our room on the front but they're soooooo loud if you're in Derek's second home (our spare room!) at the back of the house! :evil:
I hate seagulls and pidgeons :evil: Pidgeons always fly at you for no reason, bastards :angry: And loads a seagulls mooch about Stephens and shit all over my car Well, when I had one.