call centre kids... quick quest.. im on o2 rape as you go.. can i use the '300 texts' thing on this page with my current number by just foning up?... got one of those 300 free txts sims but wud rather keep my number if i cud.. ta!
you can mate, i was on 02 contract .... but kept my number and transferred to 02 pay as you go (300 free txts) just ring up and ask for a PAC code, then ring up pay as you go and give them your PAC code ... Then you can have your number transferred, think it takes between 7-10 days ...
if im on a vodaphone contract do u think i'd be able to keep my same number....i've had it for 4 yrs! xx
aye im just asking cos im on pay as you go.. and i think i shud b able to just fone up and get it converted without the pac.. i'll have a bash at lunch..
Martin fuck that for £20 a month you get 500 texts and 300 minutes after 7/all weekend, a new phone of your choice and its just generally good Go for it.
yer you can, just the same as crasherkid you will need to get a PAC code (from vodaphone) then give this to 02 ...