Olympic's? What's everyone favorite event? Just been watching the woman's beach volley ball and thats pretty good. Ain't quite figured out why when they do well thay slap each other's arse. The swimming has been good but much prefere the solo sprint in the cycling.
Agreed!!! Loads of tension, I thought we'd lost it at one point, not a big fan of rowing but that race was amazing!
I am glad Matty P has 1 at least 1 medal without Sir Steve. It was more nip & tuck than Anne Robinsons face
ive put the olympics on every now n then, tbh its like watching pain dry lol and about as exciting as a fart
the olympics isnt what it used to be.. people vs lions and the like... ive not seen any of these olympics really... tom loves the gymnastics... "ass like a 10 year old boy that one" nice eh.
Its really good fun to do it yourself aswell Lass i went to college was did it and was pushing for a Great Britain place so managed to arange a whol day of us doing it. harder than it looks and the tracks really really steep its really mad when your flying round at top speeds one slip and you can go down. still fun tho