Dodgy Laughs? Some people in my team at work have weird dodgy laughs, sometimes I even cringe. Any of u lot know anyone like this or are u like this yourself?
Re: Dodgy Laughs? i hate people who force laughs just to please someone when what went on or was said blatently isnt funny :evil:
Couple of people i work with in my office have breath of a dead gay elephants back eye, its like the disco monkey has been kicking aboot - had a bit of a dance then shat in there mouth and fucked off Atkins diet must be the key to some of them, others just nearly give me a skinhead once conversations starts
there is this manager at work, who not only laughs, but sounds like kermit the frog, but with a deeper voice, arsehole that she is
Woman @ my work laffs like that bird off neighbours from years ago! Sorta sounds like id imagine donkey sex must sound like. She laughs for bloody ages too, everyone else starts cos they're laughing @ her. :spangled:
If I'm having a proper hysterical laughing fit.. the kind where you cry/can't breathe.. then I have a pretty dodgy laugh.