For The Record... Saying as bits and pieces have been posted all day, and the Promise Rumour Mill is more than likely working flat-out, I thought I'd set everything straight about this. The observant among you may have noticed that myself and Amy are not together anymore. The reason(s) why, I shall not go into here, but I can't speak for other parties involved. Due to the highly embarrassing circumstances, I feel it's best if I lie low for a while. I'll not set a time frame, in fear of 'doing an Iany-E', but I'll try to keep my board interaction to a minimum. I'll still be online and on msn, those of you that need it have my number and e-mail address
Theres really no need. I came on this morning purely to wish you luck with whoever it might be that has changed your mind about me... for the simple fact that she/they are more than likely on here and will read this. I was however met with people on here taking the piss, and you kicking off, I got upset. If you want to text me, i'll send you my (new) password for here and you can change it to whatever you like and have the account. I won't use it anymore. You'll more than likely not believe me when I tell you this is genuine, but i'm very sorry for whats gone on the past few weeks and apologise as much as i can for not giving you what i know you needed. I couldn't, even though I knew I had to. As far as I'm concerned, what we discussed earlier still stands. Take care. And thanks to all of you lot on here for keeping things so 'lighthearted' x
is the person allie is posting to/as, the same person he was playing swingball against at miks on saturday?
is the person allie is posting to/as, the same person he was playing swingball against at miks on saturday?