my payday is end of month , ffs im skint now , from leaving my last job to starting this one i had to go 7 weeks without pay , so paying catch up with bills has been fun , oh and the tax office emergency taxed me leaving me at least £100 short , how nice :evil: ...fidds...
Never for me! Northtyneside college are wankers so i cant even get sodding JSA! and i had my bag stolen last night so dont have a fone or a purse or house keys or makeup or my contraceptive pill. fun! this weekends on u martin
Harsh Payday is Tuesday before the last Friday of the month for me... (don't ask, that's the logic of the NHS for ya)
Don't even mention wages to me. I've just been ripped off BIG time by my illustrious employers. I was expecting a meaty loyalty bonus this month which they now say they can't pay. I'm fuming!! Most definitely a tribunal in the offing! But that's enough of that for now. Looking forward to tonight.
payday for me aswell but got fucking shitload off tax taken off and some direct debts so made no bloody diffrence good job i put a shit load off hours in last week