America Is Ready to attack America? President George W. Bush has told a roomful of top Pentagon brass his administration would never stop looking for ways to harm the United States. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said on Thursday. :spangled:
You wouldn't even let him hold the remote control tothe TV would you let alone the key codes for the world's nukes. what an arse :spangled:
Well that makes sense tyo me? if you think your indesctructible thats when you are most weak? surely looking for cracks in the defenses is sensible? Maybe the most sensible thing I've EVER heard bush say! They Do know they can be beaten with a stick after all!!
Because its the scarier thought...the man may not have the set of morals I would like him to but I'm not sure I could go as far as calling him thick. Sly and underhand maybe...but not thick!
(can you see I'm trying to soften the blow for myself when the day comes that me and my son have to pledge alleigance to his fucking flag? lol)
Exactly! I think that was damn right clever! I was in Florida at the time and people were wandering round looking blank thinking "how the fuck did that happen"...its very clever how elections go in florida....even for small electiosn there is always some "fuckup" with machines and little old ladies on the news rebelling because the buses didn't come to pick them up to take them to vote from "certain" politically biased hotspots! Its crazy!....But it aint stoopid!!
If it was meant like that then I doubt he would have thought it up himself, he would have read it off a cue card probably.
lol it's a blatent mistake, this is BOOSH we are talking about. (Arnie in 2dTV: "Hu hu, loook loook i tooch BOOSH hu hu" Which country would you like to invade today sir? ? Spins globe...that one!!!)