Jon O'Bir's forum hacked You have to ask why tho!!!!!!!??????? :spangled:
Went and had a look, the fucking thing frooze my computer, i had to use task manager, if i get a vuirus now, you are so very dead
Sorry Admin Nothing Was Deleted i Hacked This Site For Many Reasons Cuz Im Muslim And You Killled Our Sons And Our Families So Thats Why We'r Fighting And Hacking On Your Net's SO Leave Us Alone Then We'll Think To Leave You Alone All You Mother Fucker Israel And American People And Government .....
Your viewpoint of the world around us has saved this board getting hacked into by a bunch of Muslims. Well done Rob
I would like to see his views on Muslim cyber hackers, but I hope they werent asylum seeking muslim cyber hackers or he will be :fuming: