N.w.a Anyone else a fan? I used to love rap when I was younger but I dug out the old 'Straight outta Compton' album today and its going down a treat I'm comin' straight outta Bedlington
Straight outta Bedlinton, Crazy wigga named Jimmy From a group called wigga's with attitude All jokes aside, there's very few "rap" acts that I like, NWA being one of them. Anything with Dre in is good music to be fair. The guy clearly knows his shit!
Goldie Lookin Chain are probs the best thing in rap at the moment, in my opinion anyway Havent heard any n.w.a. stuff
NWA where always chessy but still amazing. Bitch iz a bitch is pure genius. Go P2P it people, it will make you laugh I Promise.
nwa is class, chin check is a brilliant tune. Dre is also awesome, some of the new lloyd banks stuff is class, very chilled, NAS, tupac, biggie, all sheer genius. They are all rappers with a love for the music, not just in the game for the bitches, bling and bullets
got it on the album... love it... "the title bitch don't apply to all women, but all women have a lil bitch in em."
Check out this cover of straight out of compton http://www.ninagordon.com/audio/straightouttacompton.mp3
Great album straight out of compton. Express your self is class. Have no idea why its on such a hardcore gangster rap album. Maybe it was for the 'bitchez' Love ice cude's early stuff as well on 'kill at will '
It's cheesy if you look at it now, but at the time for them it was very relevant to what was going on around them. If you take any lyrics literally - especially rap/hip-hop - then they're going to sound fairly cheesy - eg. 50 cent (commercial I know, but) - "I love you like a fat kid loves cake" (21 questions) It was a good day - class NWA tune, probably my favourite
N.W.A are amazing!! Heard striaght outta compton for the first time a few months ago (just getting into hiphop recently) But as someone said anything with Dre in is Fuck the Police