Stress if i make it on this trip with any hair what so ever it'll b a miracle... & then to top it off after telling me yesterday should be a good day on this course so long as the storms held off I ain't heard from Ken since. Great...not that i'm getting concerned or anything & not like i need to talk to him about the trip that appears to be going up shit fucking creek!
dont worry about things ruth, you've obviously put a lot of work into this trip and i can guarantee its not gonna go tits up. Its part of human nature to worry, but you have to remember to take a breather now and again, it''ll keep you sane. So for now think about other things, and keep yourself busy!
I was starting to get a complex so i did a google search for "large pregnant bellies" to see if i could find some bigger than mine The result was interesting to say the least :spangled:
thanks....doesn't help that 2 of the ppl who are going & need input from are not around & won't b 4 another 2 weeks!
Ruth jus think about wen u will b travelling and relaxing sipping the vodka on the train or how amazing its gona be when u get there! Work is probably getting 2 u a lot but it really will b worth it all!
Lol yes ruth u know what u need! :chill: U will just be missing Ken :inlove: & that isnt helping when ur thinking the trip is going 2 go wrong..u have been looking forward 2 it for ages and talking about how amazing and lovely it is going 2 be...just wait till u get there...everyone worries before they do something big like this! :groovy:
can i c that pic blur? i'm just stressed today..they're telling me that we can't get the tix we've paid for on the train & i'm worried bout Ken (altho they'll probs b a Ken explanation 4 it) ! :evil:
Ken has now been in touch, he'd failed to mention to me that he was going something over night somewhere where he wudn't have his phone! :evil: