Jackson father-to-be? http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20040720/people_nm/people_jackson_dc apparently he is going to be a father to quadruplets. Apart from the obvious things what pisses me off about this if its true is that in a normal IVF cycle (which must have been what was used) a physician would NOT replace more than 3 emobryos because of the risks to a mother and babies that such a multiple pregnancy can cause. I HATE the fact that money can buy off these things that happen for a reason. But hey it might all be bullshit and i'll be jumped on
Would it not be a Gynaecologist? The last thing Michael Jackson needs right now is more kids running around...
ummm no it would be a reproductive endocrinologist....who is a physician but thanks for the sarcy uneccesary answer come again!
Nah I wasn't being sarcy. Didn't know IVF was to do with the Endocrine system. Learn something new every day
think about it...reproductive endocrinology....the medical field for hormonal problems related to reproduction? something i know alot about seeing as I was technically infertile (refer to avatar! ) and worked on an endocrinology ward You might wanna learn not to roll your eyes at strangers when not being sarcy young man!
Blatantly a publicity stunt ! By fathering more kids he's probs trying to turn the attention away from his court case which is still pending i think ! I doubt very much that he's done anything to make the kids he's gonna get or the ones that he has now regardless of programmes and stories !
Yeha it makes sense, I just never really thought of it like that, just associated it with Gynaecology. Sorry for rolling eyes
If it makes you feel any better to have this baby I first had to see an RE (repro endo) and then an OB/GYN (obstetrician/gynaecologist) so you were kind of right
Yeah obviously that's where the automatic assumption came from. Plus, our IVF patients see one of our Gynaecologists, so... It does explain why one of our Endocrinologists holds a clinic in Ante-Natal though...
Re: Jackson father-to-be? i had a weird feeling about this thread, when i saw it was you posted, and with the title of the thread........ i thought you were about to say that michael jackson is the father of you baby
Re: Re: Jackson father-to-be? Nope still havn't worked that one out yet jeez imagine the amount of child support i could get though!