Batfink's Set Last Friday... Just in case anyone doesn't visit the music forum and wants to download Batfink's set from Friday.........check it out here: is good....Heaven's Cry
listening to this at work cos i have a fault....not bad at all tho Mr Fink, i thought it'd abuse my ears alot more than it has so far....unlike those md's i got off u last yr that nearly made my ears bleed! :evil:
the person before was playing trance.. and the person after was playing trance.. not alot of room for manouvere (sp)!
hehe! aye it miten't have flowed too well if u'd made everyones ears bleed in between! was very good all the same ....was a pleasant listen at work yesterday evening & someone i was doing overtime with last night went home to down load ur mix cos he enjoyed it so much!