Spiderman 2 Quite good, better than the first one with some amazing effects, not a great film but not bad at all. Anyone else seen it yet?
Re: Re: Spiderman 2 I also watched it at home. My lass is too pregnant to go to the cinema at the moment lol.
Yeah, was alot like the first one too, they could have had a deeper plot, the 'train' scene is immense tho innit?
Re: Spiderman 2 Thats that **** that clings to buildings and shit. Watched the 1st one, and that was shit, so wont be going to watch it, unless the bird im trying to woo wants to watch it, then i'll be fucked.
i thought it was good , had it for a few wks now, special effects were amazing , the fight scene on the side of the building was the best bit i thought, has any1 seen hellboy?? dont know if its out yet or not?? thats a good film as well
hellboy looks canny, so does spiderman 2... i'll be watching it tonight. just got 'the chronicles of riddick' which i thought was canny good - better than i expected!
hellboy looks funny. We did some work on the trailor in our image compression module at uni... its revel btw.