Nass51 I've just lost my job. My 6 month probation has finished, and they've decided I'm not suitable for the job. I seem to have a concentration problem, and it was pointed out to me that I can be quite forgetful. Unless I write things down, if people pass comment about something I can totally forget they've said it the next day. It's not like I drink/drug very much or very heavily when I do, I've been like this since I was at school. I got decent GCSE grades and an A level in ICT, but the teachers had to DRILL it all into my head. It's a miracle how they did it. My training officer said it would be best for me to go and see the doctor, to see if he/she can address the issue. I don't know what it is. Money wise, for this month the situation isn't going to be bad, but I must get a job in this month, or I'm up the creek. They've just paid me for last month, and I've got this week just gone and they're paying for next week too, which is life-saving. After that, the Northumberland Training Agecny (my training place for my modern apprenticeship) will give me £40 per week for 3 weeks. Just over £300 goes out of my account before any money touches my fingers, and I was on about £700 per month. As I've just been paid, and other money's gone into my account as well, I've got £350 left for this month, which I'm not going to spend on anything but petrol now (£20 a week). The job itself involved lots of work on spreadsheets, photocopying and filing invoices and e-mailing people for claims. When I was thinking about this before, I realised this isn't even what I want to spend my life doing anyway - but what is there out there I can do? It'd be great if I could have a dabble in everything before chosing my next step. Right now,I don't know what the hell to do with myself. The termination was immediate, so I'm sitting at home on my own. I've never had a smack in the face like this before, and it's not nice. Please help guys.
Re: Nass51 get pissed, always makes me feel better. On a serious note, unlucky m8 but don't be disheartened.
Re: Nass51 Change your name to Benny, it wont help like but hey ho, that is what we call, unlucky........ Nah matey, im sure you'll find a job soon. I like the 51 bit, classy.
just get sending your cvs out and if you need a job dont hold out for the right one, just get one with decent money that you wont mind doing and then still look for a better job with better pay you'd enjoy, im not saying take the first one that comes along, but any jobs better than the dole?
Unlucky about the job I had a problem with concentration at school and i took i think they were called Omega Fish Oil tablets, they are proven to aid concentration with 10-16 year olds but im not sure what the effect is like on people older than that. Ask the doctor about them when you go and see him/her. Worth a shot anyway
Bad luck dude. Sorry to hear it. Sounds like yer best bet for the short term is temping. Theres loads of temp work around. Just register with as many agencies as possible. Long term. You need to have a good think about things, pick a definite route then retrain. Your just a youngun so nows the best time for it. Think about going to the docs aswell cos you may have some form of Attention Deficit Disorder.
lol they thought i had add when i was little.. then they diagnosed me as being a little **** nass... get ur ass out of the house, get to town and get your cv about - email ur cv to every agency going too... i got a job 6 hours after i sent the email out dnt think about it nass... ur only 18 theres far worse things to worry about... like 15k of debt
You have to decide on whether or not they are letting you go because you REALLY have problems with concentration, in which case you could go to the doctors about ADD. OR... you might have to just think that they are coming up with excuses to get rid of you, alot of people will make anything up or pick up on the tinyest thing in order to rationalise a more shallow reason.... in that case you need to just chalk this one down as experience and move on... get straight down the job centre. Either way, dont let this get you down - and dont do anything rash... try and bounce back harder
Just get yer CV lookin good and up to date - get a written refference off your last employer - just say the contract expired at your last job to a future employer, it's very unlikely that they will check - and fire off your CV to agencies and online job boards.
Re: Re: Nass51 i know what you're going thru bud, i've been looking for work for 2 weeks now and nothing has cropped up, even worse i'm runnin out of money and having to scrounge off my sister. In fact, i've even been rejected by dominos and sainsbury's . I got all A's at gcse and ABB at a-level and currently doing an engineering degree! which just goes to prove, qualifications mean jack.
Try temping for a while (means you get to earn money while deciding what else to), or get a bar job or something similar. Should be pretty easy to find.
i haven't really got a body to sell at the minute but i'm working on it. martin - uni? I'm far too thick. everyone else, i'm taking your advice well on board.