Sensation. Me and ManOfGurn were talking about Sensation, a massive massive dance event overseas (denmark/germany/holland/somewhere) and I was saying how I had a video from it and it looked amazing. Next thing, on Rapture an advert comes on for it. Is anyone going? It's on like.. next week some time - July 3rd I think. It's like the size of about 5 telewest arenas, and last year they had a sensation 'white' where everyone wore white (2) and a black one too. I say again, it looks totally and utterly amazing. I want to go next year.
Shit i was meant to edie that not quote it! i duno if i can afford gona try so hard looks amazing!!
Re: Sensation. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I still listen to that Marco V set from Sensation White sometimes - the last 20-30 mins are the tops
If you need luck you have not revised hard enuff!!! You only get out what you put in:tut: Hope it all goes well
I downloaded an hour long video of it last week - the scale of it was amazing. Not sure what it would have been like to be there though - looked awfully spaced out and "soul-less" *fetches prayer mat and hook*