Notice When ya hand in ya notice at work what do you have to do? What has to be in the letter etc? I just got a new job!
Always put something like you have had a great time working there and say something good about the company(good for references etc)
Theres a cracking website dedicated to this very subject. It has templates for notice letters whether you are leaving amicably or if your having a parting shot at somebodys back. And.....erm, I can't remember the address!!! SORRY
Advice Never burn your bridges, you never know when you'll bump into people from previuos jobs and maybe even require work from them.
Re: Advice Oh I won't do that. My dream is to go back to where I work now but as am contractor on a lot more money....just to piss everyone off!
Thats the one I found...very useful. I've got my letter sorted now all I have to do is hand it in on Tuesday. For some reason I'm shitting myself!
Just put... I wich to terminate my employment from ............... on reason for this is because................... i'm also handing my notice in at the hotel
Re: Re: Advice Thats ur dream :laugh: worrying!!! U know u wanna go wild with the fire extinguishers and stand on a certain someone's desk and spray the fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE hahaha!!
Re: Re: Re: Advice Maybe not a dream but its something I want to do quite a lot! I'd love to go out swinging but I have to think ahead, this contracting lark might not be all its cracked up to be and I might have to go back cap in hand in a few months!
:rofl: its wierd innit? everytime i've resigned i've been nervous beforehand. i've even chickened out of tellin me boss for 3 days once coz i thought she'd be upset and have a go at me keepin the work relations sweet is always a good idea but sometimes theres sum1 u work with, or for, that simply has to be told just how much of pain in the arse they really are. a few years ago me mate sent his then boss a few texts tellin him what he thought of him. unfortunately he thought that by setting his call settings to withhold his number, it would also withhold the number when a text was sent. shoulda seen the look on his face when i told him it didn't!!!!
fucking typical... you're the same telling jokes... "there's 2 blokes walking down the road... no 3 blokes sorry. yeah 3. Anyways, the woman says, oh hang on, there's a woman too. anyways, she get out of the car hang on, i'll start again. there's these 2 blokes carrying a carpet...." repeat until we beat you unconsious.