Be afraid... be VERY afraid... read this: comment. we are all going to die...
hahahah!! i'm looking forward to the 18th when the first one 'hits'!!! Notice how it came from 'Annoymous' - so when it doesn't happen people can't rip him to shreds for being a clueless numpty with nothing better to do with his sad geek of a life than play online role play games and make up fantastic bullshit stories. Gotta love the internet - gives every freak in the world a voice!
apparently this site has been passed off as a hoax by the scientific community (i knew this before i posted it ) but i thought it was written well enough to make you think twice, at least. ah well :angel2:
bring on the 18th, Thats bull shit that like and if it isnt tuff luck we wont know anything about it neil
Re: Be afraid... be VERY afraid... Its probably some fucking muppet looking out of his bedroom window with his 20 quid pair of binoculars, looked at a star and thought fuck me that looks close were all going to die... i better call myself a scientist and tell the world its going to end. Dont you think though if it was going to happen we would have heard by now !!! He probably watched deep impact on the telly the other night