Cream last nite! Absolutley awesome night!! Only caught Nu NRG, PVD and then went into the main room for Above and Beyond. Wanted to see Montana, but there was a huge queue to actually get back into the room with pvd in, so i gave it a miss! Some superb tunes on the go, all the sets I saw were absolutley brilliant....pvd..... :worship: Above and Beyond played some belter tunes, went quite techno towards the end, every1 was still well up for it at 6am!! Didn't take my camera like, so no photos! They had this "oxygen bar" when u pay 5 quid to breathe flavoured oxygen. Needless to say, I didnt get any. Any1 had it? All in all a brilliant night, and, not including ticket price, I spent £1.50. Result!
Fuck Cream. Ahead was where it was at last night. James Holden was unbelievably good. Solar Stone excellent too. Hybrid Live, Scott Bond, Yahel, Ben Lost all played good sets too, in what was an excellent night.
dunno like vin, PVD MONTANA ABOVE AND BEYOND NU NRG n thats all ive heard so far....... sounds like more of a lively night then Ahead. But its all a matter of music tastes!
aaaaaaaaa i wish i had gone.. was listening to the ahead cd on sat morning, and toying with the idea of going.. what was the club like vin? was it nice or not?
Re: Re: Cream last nite! lol, i know. Bought one bottle of water, which i kept refilling. Wasnt drinking!! Orbit - to that I say pah, and then pah again cos: Courtyard: Paul van Dyk NU NRG Live Paul Kershaw Gareth Wyn Main Room: Tall Paul Montana Above and Beyond Rilet & Durrant Annexe: Audio Bullys MYNC Steve Parry Lee Elllis Anthony Probyn
Yahel was suprisingly hard. He was on second last tho i suppose. But he was v good. The club was decent. I mean it wasnt smart or anything, fairly old and shabby in fact, but it was a good layout. Good crowd there.
Re: Re: Re: Cream last nite! Ben Lost 20.30-21.30 Matt Cantor 21.30-23.00 James Holden 23.00-00.30 Hybrid (Live) 2430-0130 Ben Lost 0130-0230 Solar Stone 0230-0345 Yahel 0345-0500 Scott Bond 05.00 - ???? That looks much better to me. Fuck the big names. Stick with quality. Each to their own though.
i would have went to cream if i had the money, but it would have been close, looks like ahead are gonna take a few risks, still playing class djs but not just the blatent club fillers which is a good thing for the scene