newcastle uni Any one know how long you can leave the library computers before they time out and lock you out?
so it was YOU was it? spent like 40 mins waiting for a pc earlier and there were loads unattended but no logged out :evil:
Fucks me off no end when I got to get a laptop space and some arsehole has left their laptop unattended, with the lids down but left them plugged into the network :bang: Are there not many PCs in Newcastle or somethin?
aye theres loads, different clusters every where but its exam time so every wheres jammed. getting better now its after 6 but free pc's arent free for long
saw snack before and she said they were full, might have a quick peek later to see if there are any nice lads
im kidding, ill have a peek at a nice lad later, but he's not at my uni so ill have to go search him out