**sharp intake of breath at the thought** Do I have to spell it out. She rode me until she broke me. Used and abused What am I saying, I mean
wasnt expecting that!!! Just thought u were guna tell me she tried to brush her teeth with it or something
i think you get off likely when i've got pmt, don't u? :evil: then again you can't really tell if i've got pmt or not?
Getting a swift footy boot in the knackers in a match is even worse! Happened to me once. Saw a carbon copy in the premiership last week (think it was Leicester). Reminded me of a horrible morning. Just to keep the thread interesting, I read sometime last year that scientists reckon PMT is bullshit!! Wish I could remember where I read it. Would change the world we live in if that's proved true!
I would hate to be a man....missing out on the whole being pregnant thing! BRING ON THE LABOUR !! besides....men are no better on the PMT front....justw ith women it has a name
imagine your balls being sized 36dd and attached to your front.....getting tender and reeeeally sore for a week every month so much that going over a slight bump in the road makes you wanrt to hold on to them.....we win on the pain factor there im afraid