Sage Anyone know anyone who works there ? been offered a job but would like to know what goes on behind the corporate bollocks they feed you. ta
what job do you do ? whats the pay like ? hours ? shifts ? pay rises/bands ? reviews ? bonus ? staff ? health care ? pension ? on a PM if you like
i know a lad who worked there a while ago. on support. it's all about statistics. how many calls u close, how many times u answer the phone... all seems a bit strict for me..... he hated it. but he was so laid back he was horizontal. some fit birds work there though. i would like to point out b4 i'm blown out of the water - it was all heresay.
fucking hate call centres me, needs must, this place is killing me It's a step down like, I hate office jobs now. I wanna dig holes in roads of be a plumber or summit. IT=joke
Yeah its all alot more laid back now, its all about the quality of the calls and how the customer feels about the call now. Used to be all about stats, but once you've been here a while they leave you alone to get on with it and browse the internet and email yer mates Ps- Tribal check yer pm's
I went for an interview there for the web design team and to be honest it didn't strike me as the kind of place I wanted to work.
I'm sure it's a great place to work if that's your thing lots of career prospects etc., but they just didn't seem like my kinda people!
My cousin works there and she hates it. Her Dad died a few years back and it hit her really bad. Her manager was ringing her up all the time hassling her about when she was going back to work. The hassle only started about the day after his funeral or something. She told them she would let them know when she was ready to go back but they kept ringing her all the time
I didn't ignore. I chose not to apply for the supervisory role. I don't fancy being laughed out of an interview. Stings a bit you know. I just wanna sit and do fuck all and stare at lasses like you (I'm not calling you a lass BTW)