Scary Its worrying to know that when you type in suicide in Google that it comes up with ways to commit suicide?? YOu may think why do I know that?? Dont worry Im not suicidle..some of you will be less pelased to know thou! Me and my Friend were talking about a documentary we watched some time ago now and it was about a lass that commited suicide and they found on her computer that she was visiting sites like this: and there are many more! This is well worrying....
hell no!!! Does it seem like that? Not ment too.... Just think its terrible that things like that can remain on goggle.... uppsss
Nee shite sherlock!! Just stating that this is terrible and imagine how her family felt knowing she was sitting upstairs on her comp planing it!!
sites like this make me cringe... much like mickey owens... is this what goths do when they 'grow up'? write crap 'alternative' web pages?
it is fairly shockin to think that it's that easy to figure out how to kill urself! I don't understand why anyone would make a site like that??
what? if you want to kill urself just lick your fingers and stick them in the plug nearest plug socket.. hey presto! not rocket science!
How can suicide be attention seeking how can u seek attention when ur dead!!! Self harm amybe attention seekng in some peeps opinions but I dont get how suicide is???
Thats ridiculous. Even if self harm is done for attention, its to bring that attention to a underlying problem that needs sorting. Not just to be noticed
Been loads of stuff in the papers about this recently, after one family found out that their son had been visiting these sites b4 he killed himself. People use them as an outlet for their feelings without letting their family and friends know what is going on in their head. And where as your friends etc would try and help you get better these sites encourage you to go through with it!
theres a lass round our way found her 17 yr old boyf dead in his house....he was hanging from the bannister after looking at sights about what michael hutchance was doing when he died... his parents were away & this 17 yr old lass had to ring police & them to let them know... horrible!
If you noticed I said SOME PEOPLE think that self harm is attnetion seeking NOT me and I know your saying its ridiculous and not aiming at me but there is pepole out there that think that and thats what I was saying...........