Only in america... check this HOTTIE out.. (scroll down for his pics )
what a legend, he's not the slimest bloke, but he doesn't mind showing it all off in that skin tight costume!
i like how he explains his fatness fits in wi his costume to the judges! an yes i am that bored (putting off work) to read it all
*ahem* so did i..... but his painting on the 'pads and helmet' were shocking. it's all in the detail!
oooooh harsh - look how much effort he put into it. admittedly, he has the painting skills of a 2 year old - but he's well happy with it. and atleast he's at home and not being a stalking children. i can't wait for his next costume....
in that costume he looks like he would stalk children. ive said it before ill say it again, sad bastard.