Traffic offences??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cookee, Apr 15, 2004.

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  1. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Traffic offences??

    Yous got any? Had a near misses? Any crashes or anything??? Just got me thinking when talking bout insurances the other day. Plus Ive just found a parking ticket that has to be paid, that I got for parking outside Stephens house! :evil: Bastards.

    I havent got any points or offences, altho I was pulled over just the other week for speeding. But the kind officer let me off :rolleyes: :p I then went past another police car at bout 90, not realising. :dunce: Aint heard anything on that one yet tho :D

    The only accident Ive had was 2 days after I passed my test when I drove my mams car into a local shop. How embarrassing :dunce: :D Everyone came out and looked!! lol. No crashes in my own car tho. Been driving over 1 & half yrs now. Thought I was doomed when my b/f crashes twice in a week and my best mate twice in 3mths. Must be my turn next :lol:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Hoochie Mamma
    had 1 parking ticket, nothing for speeding & 3 accidents...2 were my fault & i went to court to prove that the other wasn't my fault!!! :)
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i got caught speeding once... with no insurance... and no road tax.... 8 points and a £500 fine. steep. that was in '95. i was a tight/skint student.

    Then got 3 points doing 49mph down the Byker by-pass - it's a 40. it was a sunday morning, not a soul about, dual carrigeway, walled on either side, 1 week b4 christams. i thought it was a bit tight of the copper and he could have just given me a stern warning but no. i even had all my docuements with me in the car. he must have been after his xmas bonus and needed a few more 'convictions'. that was '99.

    Also had 2 identical accidents 1 month apart. smashed mi car up... 3 weeks getting repaired, got it back - 2 days later - shunted someone again. how thick am i.

    i think i'm jinxed..... :dunce:
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    oh... and i totalled my favourite car ever when i was 17... a 1980 Mini Clubman 1100. a concrete bollard made the engine pop thru the passenger foot well. she was a beauty......
  6. Vandenburg

    Vandenburg Registered User

    Nov 12, 2002
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    I just got flashed the other night for doing 48mph in a 40 zone:mad:

    The dam letter about it came through last week. Shite!:cry:
  7. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    I got caught doing 84 on the Biker bypass. Unfortunately I already had 9 points on my licence for previous speeding offences.

    I had to go to court but they decided to let me keep my licence even though after the 6 more they gave me I had a total of 15 points!

    Speeding is bad kids, just say no.
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    3 points and a fine?
  9. Vandenburg

    Vandenburg Registered User

    Nov 12, 2002
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    More than likely:mad: :(

    Been done for speeding before on the A1 going to Scotland, got three points for that to, although they've been wiped from my license now.
  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i had a crash a few year back, it wasnt my fault tho. thats it, and ive been driving about 5 years.....:up:
  11. Vandenburg

    Vandenburg Registered User

    Nov 12, 2002
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    I've been driving for nine years and had one crash, last November on the A42 traveling back fronm Birmingham. Some bugger in a van went into the back of me, he just did not break in time.

    Ma poor car was classed as an economical writeoff - even though at the crash there just looked like there was a crack in the boot door - his van was wrecked - the bonnet was bent doubled.

    Esure gave me £1200 for my M reg Citroen Advantage 1.9 TD - and that's after rejecting their offer twice.

    I bought the car back for £78 and got the MOT done again and the garage said there was nothing wrong with it anyway!:D
  12. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    probably the spare wheel well took the brunt of the force!
  13. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!
    ive had loads of parking fines, just payed one off last week

    had one major crash, flipped the car 3/4 times, about 30metres down a slip road on the way back from tall tress, not a very nice experience
  14. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    been driving over 5 years, couple of prangs

    though i got caught going through a red light just off byker bridge, £60 fine and 3 points
  15. JockB

    JockB Registered User

    May 28, 2003
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    I'm still feeding the wheel with the plates on --> L :(
  16. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK
    I was really cocky after passing my test and since then I've had a few high speed near misses - totally calmed down now.

    I bet I crash soon after saying that!

    Cookee - my mate's passed a police car before and because they can't prove what you're doing they let him off. Weird but true..
  17. LazMan

    LazMan Registered User

    Nov 1, 2002
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    Only had 1 crash. Bit of a nightmare tho. Driving toward Coast Road following ManOfScience. Came to the sliproad leading down to Jesmond (the one with the blind summit). Cars were backed up and no space to stop. Made sure I got around MOS then stoved my front rightside into a top of the range BMW and cos I was under full braking, my front end went under it and virtually ripped his back wheel off.
    Bounced across into the left lane and smashed full on into the back of a van, writing off my brand new Fiat Stilo.
    Ask MOS about it, he's mentally scarred!!

    It was a hire car thru my company so they covered the insurance. Instead of going to court and getting 6 points for careless driving (lost licence because I hadn't been driving for 2 years), the police sent me to a "Drivers Improvement" course. I paid £150 and dithered round with a driving instructor for 2 days up in Morpeth.
  18. Spiral

    Spiral Registered User

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Having a blonde moment
    Never had a crash but bout 4 years ago somebody drove into the back of my car while it was parked outside an exs house and i was in the pub 2 miles away :mad:

    Got caught doing 78 in a 50 zone on the M4 a couple of years ago, sent the letter off saying it was me driving and got a reply saying they had dropped the case! Pheww

    One crapy parking ticket
  19. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!
    my mate pulled up at a zebra crossing, when some numpty went straight into the back of him, making him go forward knocking the person going over the crossing onto his bonnet :lol:
  20. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    LOL! Harsh, but the way u tell it is funny :lol:

    Been driving since November 2002, no parking tickets, no bumps, no crashes, not knocked anybody over, and never been stopped by the po-leece.

    My mate got done for speeding, he had to do that driver rehab thing too!

    One of my mates put his car on its roof hoofing round an industrial estate.....theres now a full investigation going into it! That's unlucky :(

    My dad once got done twice in 7 minutes by a temp speed camera on matthew bank, just after they reduced the speed limit from 40 to 30! Harsh!
  21. moss

    moss Registered User

    Feb 1, 2004
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    South Shields
    Been driving just over 2years now, got caught speeding once but got away with it as they had no proof.
    Got a caution for using a bus lane in Newcastle City Centre a week after I passed my test, I was pulling out didnt see the sign (as the bus infront was blocking it) which I followed into the bus lane, and a cop came staight behind, lights flashing.
    They also pulled the car infront, who I was told was given a fine, whereas I managed to get out of it, I just recieved a caution letter home.
    Dont really need any points, insurance is bad enough at 19 on a 106GTi.

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