First taste of the Office life.... Well, today is the first day of a new temporary position in an office of an insurance company! Been asked to fix an update problem they had with their client management system, and it basically involves manually updating the records on their system so that they have the correct account executive and correct account handler. Indeed, it's not to hard, but i'm gonna get paid a bit so thats good Just got robbed of a quid at the Coke machine....noticed it said "NO Change given, but overpay accepted" Isn't that nice of them Should take me....oooooh...about a hundred years, give or take a decade or two, to get through this pile I'm using the message board at work
Re: Re: First taste of the Office life.... Im not supposed to use the board on works time, do it anyways.. Oh wait i'm off sick
I always thought I'd hate an office job, especially one where I have to be nice to twatty people .. but that's exactly what I do at the moment and I love it. In fact I've just got a promotion.
I got a warning for not being nice to twatty people People in offices = ****s, they'll grass you up for the slightest thing!!
I've been asked to tone down my attitude a few times. Not our fault people are mongs! That's actually quite true. But I have friends in all the right places in my office.
My new gaffer is sound, doesnt give a feck about anything.. My old gaffer was a nob coz his mammy was an SEO meaning rather high up, so he stuck to rules etc. Dont really make much difference anyways,im hardly ever at work these days
i fukkin hate working in offices. they are horrible places, usually full of dicks (in my experience). i never want to work in one again. (although i will probably have to in June....or i will be skint)
Takes a while to suss out who you can have a laugh with and who are genuine fucking snakes, once you get past that it aint as bad. Always gonna be shit tho..
As a matter of interest, do any of your colleagues openly discuss their passwords n stuff? I needed to log in to the client management system myself this morning, and since I didn't have a user account, I wasn't too sure what to do. I did get logged in though, thanks to account details that were conveniently attached to the monitor with a post it note Also just found out that one of the guys here hasn't backed up a critical database in the three years its been running!
The only thing I miss from the office is all the fanny. Mostly young employees so everyone was shagging everyone else.