decisions, decisions.... dunno whether to go & c 'dawn of the dead' or 'gothika' on either fri or sat nite....can't make up my mind up? pls help!
decided to b decisive (well asked someone at work what the thought) & have booked up for gothika on fri nite!
i am now...tis all booked!!! but in the back of my mind is the should i have decided dawn of the dead on sat...hmmm....
Watched the first half of DOTD on a shakey, hissing, poppy, people walking in front of the camera, type copy lastnight. T'is quite good really.
dawn of the dead is gash nothing really happens apart from zombies munching a few rednecks.... not seen gothika but its supposed to be good...
ive been told that gothicas much better, just coz of the earyrness (sp) dotd, is just scary zombies etc! xx
good option i thinks then! thanks to everyone for the help i received! now next decision to be made...which book & audio thing do i get to teach myself japanese???!!!
shhh remove that top bit pls...& no its not its so i can understand a lil bit of what some ppl r saying to me when i'm over there!
Which one is Gothika?? Cant remember seeing a trailer DOTD looks cheesy as!! lol. Saw a bit where the little girl munches on that blonde's blokey :spangled: BLURGH! haha.