Gym Went back to the gym after a bit of a break from training several months to be honest had what I thought was a mild workout, yesterday I was a little sore today I can hardly move was hard work driving to work I'm in real pain oh the joys of getting fit
i know exactly how you feel mate i havent been able to get to the gym for about 3 weeks now am dreading going back im in pain for about a week afterwards but i wouldnt give it up for anything i love it
Re: Gym that happened to me a few weekd ago, i woke up and could hardly move and for some reason i started being sick as well:spangled:
I'm on holiday in 7 weeks so I'm doing 3 nights thru the week then Sat & Sun mornings (subject to hangover). I'm getting quite obsessed. I just hope I can stick to it after the holiday aswell.
Re: Re: Gym when my desk phone rings it takes me about 30 secs to pick it up I look like a right twat
Re: Re: Re: Gym are your elbows locked at 90 degrees when you start back its the tendons that take the hammering thus the really harsh pain and unable to fully extend the joints just keep stretching them as you probably know it wears off after a few weeks of training
Re: Re: Re: Re: Gym It's a nightmare but it's dead easy to overdo the bicep curls and look like your carrying carpets for a couple o days afterwards.
it sure is i love it its in my blood i normally workout everyday havent been for a few weeks now due to commitments its driving me mad, am getting really frustrated been training now for 19 years
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gym You look like your carrying carpets when you work your Lats mate, not your biceps! I kno how you feel Jon, i just started getting back to my program about weeks ago, takes some time till your muscles get back into the habit of things!
Ive got out of the habbit of going to the gym lately... Ive still been swimming about 6 miles a week tho...
Im palying football for charity with work on Tuseday the lads V the Lasses! dreading it loads! Im so unfit I will be killing the next make it worse the lads are taking it seriously and I can play football at all! I have to wear A sunderland strip and shorts!! and the press are there! Oh the joy!!
Most defintely not!! its going int he Newspaper thats bad enough! It wouldnt be so bad it I knew the rules of football! NE one care to explain???
Jambons Football Rules. 1, Shorts must be tight and flatter the the ass 2, No shirts or bra 3, Post pics on the net the following day 4, Bathing with your team mates is ok.