Jean-Michel Jarre Just watched a canny documentary about him. Takes me back to when I was a kid and I was absolutely blown away when I saw his London Docklands concert. It's brilliant when he plays the laser strings altho the concert took a definite dip when Hank Marvin turned up though. What do you think of his music?
Yeah, my uncle saw him in Paris a long time ago and said he was amazing. He gave me the CD's, I had never heard of him intil then.
Equinox is mint. Let's not forget the classic Popcorn. I had a game on my Vic20 called Rockman with Popcorn playing constantly thru it. Enough to drive you mad after 3 hours.
mebez, got the vinyl.... got all the miami vice soundtrack on quite bad but good to mix with.... that and vangellis!!! lol
little known trivia: jean michel jarre also was the first person to provide a 'professional' soundtrack for a videogame, doing captain blood for the amiga/pc. learn something new everyday.
i nicked a couple of his albums off me dad on vinyl, good stuff like true pioneer back in his day, can imagine him being awesome at the time