Radiation a few years on check this i wanna go http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/kiddofspeed/ theres sum amazing pics in there
very peaceful, but strangely sobering. Reminds me of a book by Nevil Shute, called "On the beach" about how all the big powers in the world drop atom bombs during a world war and how the radiation is slowly creeping southwards and australia is the only place left without contamination. Anyway, the story continues, they detect a radio signal coming from the already dead northern hemisphere of the earth, so they send this american submarine up to investigate, and after a month at sea they get there, and they find that it's all a ghost town and everything is as it would be normally except everyone is dead. The radio signal in the end was caused by something resting on the "transmit" button, being rocked back and forth by the wind. Eerie
I read a similar story a few years back about a journalist who was taken for a tour of the reactor by the authorities. All he was told to do was wear some surgical greens and also not to stand downwind with your mouth open for too long.
The radiation doses that woman is getting are far from "healthy". I guess they forgot to update the textbooks. The doses she is getting on the 30-mile mark would make any man infertile for a month. Cant believe she got that close to the actual power plant, scary as fook :spangled:
thats amazing... on a simliar note, there's a game due out soon called stalker, and the designers went into chernobyl as well, and have designed a very close representation of the area to base there game in. should also be interesting. thing which made me think of the game is a photo she took... i'll post her picture and try to find the clip of the game, so ya can see what i mean....
couldnt print a frame from the vid... no matter, if ya get the chance, go look for the 'stalker nvidia video' and have a look. it's impressive...
extremely interestin read. i remember it happenin but didn't realise the extent of it til years later. actually, i think i've only just realised the full extent of it after reading that site. gotta love this line tho..."The most exciting thing about rides in Ghosttown is to hit a red line on my bike's tacho and break this silence with roar of a wounded dinosaur and then to close throttle and listen how all those ghosts cursing 1100cc kawasaki engine."