F.A.O anyone at newcastle uni how do you get to the past papers when not on a uni 'puter.. ie miles away
you dont. why would a scarecrow need a past paper? surely you dont need any exams for scaring birds etc away?
Re: F.A.O anyone at newcastle uni think you might be able to get em through the library home page but knowing that thing itll just tell you where to get em. might have to go into uni tho
Re: Re: F.A.O anyone at newcastle uni wow, my uni has that...i thought it was the only one!! im soo fucking thick
Re: Re: Re: F.A.O anyone at newcastle uni i think most uni's use it? most of the ones my mates go to do anyways! mine's always fucked tho
Re: F.A.O anyone at newcastle uni Download and use Newcastle VPN (Virtual Private Network). Read this for further instructions. Newcastle VPN