Miriam conclusion Did anyone see the conclusion of it last night when Miriam told them she was a man? The bloke who won was totally in love with her - he looked totally shocked. He still agreed to go on the date with her at first! Then he came to his senses and changed his mind The best part about it was that all the other blokes were brought back and were in hysterics cos some of them had worked it out
Aye, it was class when she made the announcement at the end "I love being a woman, but......." Anybody else think that geordie lad was a complete cocksmith??
Loads of them did know. One bloke thought it was hilarious cos he'd been saying it was a man all along but none of the others would believe him
I was pretty dissapointed with it thought they would have kicked up more of a fuss than they did. The lad who won looked more gutted than angry I thought cos he thouht he was going to get his end away with this fit bird and have a dream cruise round the Med.
Yeah it would have been funnier if one of them had gone to hit her. Think he was too shellshocked. He was a cheesy bastard anyway,he'd just said "Miriam,I could kiss you all night" No wonder he must feel like a dick now
LOL!!! bless them all tho....surly this program wouldnt be allowed over here?...or was it over here!? pah! xx
yea i kno, with english guys right??...nevamind anyway, i think its sick, i feel well sorry for the lads on the program...do they all win sum dosh like? xx