The Last Supper! I watched Signs the other night! There is a part where they are all eating at the table adn its like their last Supper as they believe they are going to die! What would you have as your last supper and why? Mine would be Bean on Toast! Plain and boring maybe (so not like me) but I just love reminds me of when I was little I guess!
So much to choose from. Probs mince and dumplings or bolognaise pizza with garlic dip. It's a tough one tho!
mince and dumplings is one of my fave foods and is dead homely and reminds me of being little and bolognaise pizza with garlic dip is just deeeeelish! mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
sunday dinner....all meats (beef, turkey, ham, pork, lamb & chicken), roast & mashed potatoes, peas, shit loads of gravy, yorkshire puds, & apple & cranberry sauce!!
okays..u can have the ansty sage & onion stuffing & i'l eat the rest... i forgot to mention the turkey livers wrpaaed in bacon that'd ahve to b with my dinner too!!