It was only a bit snow!! Maybe leaving at 12.45, and being sure of getting a taxi straight away was a good idea, even though it didn't seem like it at the time!
promise i had a blinder!! really really enjoyed myself, mistress barbera was spanking everyones brain with some really really naughty stuff, sounded tremendous on the system, she is one evil woman (in a good way) BOSH
that was the first time I had been back into promise for a few years, was nice to hear the prog back on early, Anton done a great job of warming the crowd up. Thanks to all I met, Lee Foster for the drink. enjoyed the night, shame I had to leave early.
I was very lucky to get there. All the buses were stuck in traffic and snow and I wouldn't have been able to get a taxi cos of what time I got home from work. Luckily my Dad took pity on me and gave me a lift! I was worried about getting home aswell incase it had kept on snowing in Consett but we had no problems
was an excellent turn out... hadn't even thought about how we were going to get home. saw plenty of the promise faces stood outside central station at 4:30am! damn pissed up charvs trying to jump the taxi que...
Spud had that idea. When we got there the queue was massive! I think we were only waiting for about half an hour though
Well done Mark for that line up, Misstress Barbara rocked the place. Atmosphere was mint throughout the nite as well
Cheers I think I avoided most camera's except Kels. I remember seeing your Mark, was he wrecked? Empty your box aswell!
nah you didnt avoid most cameras yea mark came, he was sitting with us for a while cos he was waiting for Jo.
I can remember dancing with him for a bit, who caught me on camera? I'm not looking forward to seeing the pics.