Avh @ Basics This sat!! I shall be there, is anyone else up for it; even if you don't know me you are welcome to come
all i know is avh is playing bank hol sunday, 11th and nic fanciulli and mync project are apr 17th, the credence tour dont know the rest mate
He hasnt done anything good for years... used to be really good. Classic quote from him "Hip Hop is like my wife but House music is only my mistress"
hmmm he's booked for redllight in manc as well, hopefully he'll be on at basics from 3-6 or something like that:spangled:
Who was on last Saturday? It is back to basics in Leeds your talking about it isn't it? My mate was there last Saturday, but hasn't a clue who was on lol!
yes mate that's the one; 7TH FEB - YOUSEF 14TH FEB - JUSTIN LONG / SLAM 21ST FEB - LAYO N BUSHWACKA 28TH FEB - ARMEND VAN HELDEN 6TH MAR - GREEN KEEPERS LIVE with JAMES CURD AND DIZ 13TH MAR - X'PRESS 2 20TH MAR - MARK FARINA 27TH MAR - 20/20 100TH RELEASE PARTY - THE WHOLE 20/20 CREW with FULL LIVE 20/20 SOUNDSYSTEM SHOW The ressies are mint as well, especially paul woolford and tristan da cunha
Cheers mate. Don't really think it would of mattered to him who was on tbh lol. Would of been a good night though, surely Love Story would of been played!