was it the chorus hotel? thats where me and James stayed when we were up. LOADS of ugly women on the game outside the hotel....
Holiday Inn - Glasgow West ! Turned left up our street and there's a few on the street corner + there pushers egging them on etc - cunts that they are !!
I had a mad weekend from start to finish , thought tiesto was amazing , met a few new people , aaron , jobbo , wardy , scottish lass and chute ( cheers for the beer m8 ) !! Guy ornadel was pretty good too !! Thought the club was canny , the total blackouts pissed me off like especially when some cunt knocked me glasses off and i had to use me mobile as a torch to try n find em b4 some fooker stood on em !!! Madness party in jimmys room too , althought i was a bit messy like !!! ...fidds...
william daniel (WullieD!) was the set of the night for me granted ornadel and tiesto were class, but william daniel was just oozing class from start to finishe, this lads gonna go really far and ill deffo be going back up to scotland to see him play even if its not at IO and im sure it was foy inbetween them because alan belshaw and fraser latta were in the Wee arch
Fucking class night, Alan Belshaw, Tiesto and most of all Fraser Latta were all class. Didnt catch Sir Guy but it was a fucking amazing night. Such a club! Tune of the night for me was tears fromt he moon!
Glad to see sum1 giving Ornadel & Foy the deserved credit mate!!! Too many ppl r blinded by big names Ornadel tho - fukkin legend!
Ah, I think i'll be attending alot more after saturday, enjoyed the whole day/night in Glasgow, every1 we met was class! Dont think the Travelodge staff liked us much thoough
Jus goin off wot Geordie said Was meaning every1 else was jus goin on about Tiesto...forgetting the others... Foy wasnt playing..fair play...
william daniel's was the set of the night and off the IO residents the best of the lot ive saw is fraser latta IMO