S.H.O.K.K. s back Woohoo i can go an see one of my legends he was the dogs when he was at promise and he is a amazing producer aswell. At Passion 9th Birthday celebrtions 28th of feb 2004 lineup- Tall Pual Eddie Halliwell Guy Ornadel JFK Above and Beyond (dj set + world exclusive live set) Ronald Van Gelderen Agnelli and Nelson S.H.O.K.K. Signum Mark Norman (UK Exclusive) Gleave Dobbin Marc west Andy Baggully Who fancys it the day after promise shud be a class night.
Re: S.H.O.K.K. s back I doubt that I can afford it but Mark Norman and Gleave Dobbin should be blinding! The whole line-up is class!
I shud be going really wana see ronald van gelderen SHOKK again and my chance to see above and beyond woohoo. Mark norman shud be good as well as everone but Tallpaul headlineing ehhh
Got say only seen him once at telewest last march but didnt know what was happening ask anyone what state i was in really bad like just ben told hes poop.
Looks good but again i dont think half of them are djs!! Mark west, andy B yes but alot no !!! Should be good tho Neil
Most people dont just DJ anymore tho, cos its so difficult to beak through. That why most people produce first, then DJ. Most Producers are class DJs now anyway, cos they probably DJed before they Produced like most of us....
My mates a DnB DJ/producer and for the only way for him to make it was to DJ and produce. sometimes its not just not enough to be a good DJ to get your break
Ive seen him 3 times, the 1st two at the telewest where he was wicked (if not slightly cheesey) but when i saw him play after ferry corsten @ godskitchen he was awful...in fact he actually stopped the music twice by mistake that was the 2.30 - 4 slot so maybe he just plays better early on.
SHOKK and Flutlicht never stopped DJing, just producing cos Reverb left. SHOKK has made a track with Marcel Woods anyhow
SHOKK is a absolut legend like love his stuff the bass is amazing the 3 of us going down so far just got to see the price of the train Aint been to passion in ages like.