If...... You went to the doctor with a bad pains in the mid section and he told you that you had to choose one alchoholic dirnk that you had to stick to for the rest of your life or you liver would shrivle to the size of pea and you could'nt drink fluids again what would it be..... mine would be either Stella or Lcl a.k.a 'Lose Control Lager' i'd flip a coin between the two
cant beat the german lager, think id probably go for grolsch at a push, only on draught tho. just isnt the same from bottles
You know it mate...... some of the things i've done when i've been on that stuff........ my god! I love it!
I will be having my fill this Sunday coz I'm going to the club with my dad, he refuses to drink it tho. LIGHTWEIGHT!