Help? Hi Guys..... Hope someone can help me... Boyf's birthday is a fortnight, he wants to go up to newcastle for a weekend Can anyone recommend a nice hotel..... few good bars....... somewhere nice to eat?? Please help!!
Here are some suggestions: Malmaison Newcastle Multi award winning super stylish hotel, bar and brasserie on Newcastle's stunning waterfront. Great river views with the celebrated Millennium bridge right on the doorstep. Individually designed rooms, with all the bits and some. Contemporary Brasserie and Bar serving great French food and affordable wines. The hotel also boasts a slinky mini spa, to relax and tone, body and soul. Posthouse Newcastle-Upon-Tyne It's all 'right on your doorstep' at this convenient city centre hotel - from Newcastle's countless lively nightspots to the Laing art gallery, museums and the Theatre Royal. Facilities include a health club with indoor pool, baby listening service, restaurant and bar. The superb shopping at the Metro Centre is within easy reach by car. Royal Station Newcastle Situated at the railway station, this Victorian hotel was last refurbished in 1994 and is ideally located for The Eldon Square shopping complex and the other attractions of Newcastle City centre.The Metro Centre is also easily accessible via the Metro system with a Metro station located just next to the hotel. Where ever you stay I hope you have a lovely time! As for Bars Resolution is good known as the Vodka Bar! There are plenty to choose from! depends on what you like!
right next to the millenium bridge... i worked there in my first an second years of uni.. its well worth the little bit more
its situated in an ideal place its all been done out down by the bridge its well nice. There is a bar close to it called The Pitch and Piano its like a wine bar/Trendy bar its OKay (different) Next to everything you really need bars/resturants. There is a resturant called Uno's (italian) really nice and good priced. Its quite close to the Malmasion!
Yeah should do Sounds like an intresting topic! I did Business that was quite good I was considering Lesiure and Tourism but took business insteade. So you just comming up for the weekend with your B/F? That will be a lovely present for his 21st! Its mine in March Im wanting to go away with my BoyF but we cant decide where to go!
Well, I can recommend Liverpool, Was planning to take him to Barcelone but got conned by one of these cheap flight website..ended up paying a fortune for flights..and then accommodation works out dead expensive if ya dont but as a package holiday!! Again..should know these things!! We were talking about leeds or manchester..but being a typical bloke you cant get much sense out of them as to what they really waht to do!! So I thought nice hotel..few drinks, he likes his food.. so dunno...mite try taling to him again!! Plus he secrety likes Hed thought we could try Stereo ...anyone been there??
never been tp Stereo Heard its quite good thou, I quite like Hed Kandi, experienced it the first time in Ibiza? Yeha we thought about Liverpool his Ex girlfriend was at Uni over there so he has been a few times and said it is good, so its a defenite maybe? And Leeds to, for the might life? We both fancy abroad thou! Its just getting the right deal and some where hot. not really bothered where for the clubbing scene as out of season and I can go clubbnig at home and enjoy it more. Just want the heat!! Even thought of Prauge but heard mixed reviews. I guess he will be picking anycase! So suprise for me it is!
Yeh, looked at Prague....seen a lush hotel Just getting flights is nightmare espec. when Teesside Airport would be much more convenient!! Went to Amsterdam last year..was mint!! definately recommed it!! Not much heat anywhere at the mo!! Lucky you getting surprise!! just drop plenty of hints.. boyfs aint that good at picking up hints are they!! Bless em!
Yeah wuldnt mind Amsterdam but not for the 21st God I sound like a rigt snob Im not! I really want sun! Thinking mayb the Canneries that normally warm round bout then! Not red hot just nice! Yeah I knwo what you mean about droppnig the hints maybe I should jus tell him! you will have to sit your /f down and jus ask him out right where he wants to go?