Peter Kay - live at Bolton Funniest stand up I've seen since the big yin, particularly cause I was watching it with skint knees after a family bash at a social club. The hob knob material was priceless.
I really fancy getting ahold of this on dvd or something - his "Live from the top of the tower" was great - oh the realisation of my working class upbringing
You can relate to everything he says and the faces his granny pulls in the crowd are hilarious. I keep reading on here British comedy is dead, I think some people take themselves too seriously at times. Brid, get it, it's one you'll watch again and again. My sides were splitting.
Watched the DVD at MoS on SAT night. It's a winner Liked the bit about buying all those old style looking books - but like they were really video containers! I used to have loads and all me vids were stacked in them. What a bugger though when you were lookin for a vid - why was it always in the second off last one you looked in
The sketch about the robbery had me in stitches... "Put your hands in the air mother stickers....This is a fuck up"
'now youve repeated it, its clear now' the helium danny boy song is pure genius! and the voice you use when talking through glass
Yeah it was funny, but not that side splitting funny, best bits were how he carried the old stuff through and added to it, -bit about cheesecake -the bit when talking through glass was funny as fook -ripping into his gran -probably other bits as well but forgot could do wiv new material, there wasn't anything in there that you hadn't heard from the man before. like i say, a variation on a theme. all in all, was good, but now that i've seen it, i won't be rushing out to buy it. my advice, borrow someone elses copy. any way, now that you know what the best bits are, they won't really come as a suprise.
This is funny as fuck like got the dvd for christmas lovin it like peter kay is amazing :worship: :worship: :clap: Legend class to watch when yave been out gettin trashed like.