Bum Fights ne seen these dvds before, these american guys go round paying tramps do do mad things, like kick th shit outa each other. steal. dive for crack?? hah, some of it is quite funny but i found watching this very disturbing, onee of me amtes thinks its hallarious?? ne one seen it, wat u think of it??
Seen some on a tv clip show, can be funny but if ya think about it its pretty sick! Only in America... some things shouldn't be funny but just are!
ai, only in america, watchin this dvd makes me v.glad im not living in those parts and in here in gud old cold england, theres this bloke that is funny on it called bum hunter, dresses up as steve irwin and runs around with aussie accent sneakin up on slleping tramps *ohhh we got a real nippa here* etc, and jumps on them ties them up, *gotta get this fela bak to his natural habbitat* lmao
@ Lee I think there must a set up somewhere in there... some of it must be illegal! :spangled: For anyone interested: http://www.bumfights.com/indecline/
just a bit haha, theres a bit were theyve got this tramp in a a van and he`s git, stop the fuckin car, jumps out mugs this women steals her handbag and jumps back in :spangled:
Crazy stuff:spangled: I agree with you when you said rather be here in the cold than the areas featured over there... gimme sleet, rain and snow anyday than muggings and crack induced ass-rapings!
no set up.... all the people who were involved with it were later arrested for charges related to the film
i bought it wen i was in america cos there was an article on it in fhm at the time... we didnt have a telly out there let alone a dvd player so one of my yank mates lent us his laptop to watch it on... only went and left it in his dvd drive the day before we finished :doh: tried to get it back from him but always get some kind of excuse... probs somethin to do with the $300 price for original copies on ebay someone told me about :evil: cunt.
i actually thought it was going to b bout ppl fighting with there backs to each other using there bums as weapons!!!
I've got a copy of this. Those tramps are well fucked up. Then there's that crack addict who pulls his tooth out with some plyers?:spangled: There's another addict on it called "bling-bling". One day bling is walking along and decides to have a shit on the pavement, trouble is Bling the fuckwit part shits on his pants and belt then pulls them straight back up - even without a wipe Dirty boy
I ve seen that before,lol it is very disurbing to see what rediculous extremes reality tv will go to ,to get a laugh. but some of it you cant help laughing at. mental stuff