Steve Irwin Anyone see that mad Aussie bloke feeding a crocodile while holding his one month old baby? Madness
i saw his film for the first time today... he rocks. not see the stunt with his baby mind... better than jackos?
That is dam stooopid. If he wants to put his own life at risk fair nuf, freak, but anything cud have happened. He has no right to risk that childs safety.
Thing is, I'm not sure if he was putting his kids life in danger. He is an expert on croc behaviour and I doubt he would of done it unless he was sure the child was safe. I wonder how many of the parents that have been critisising Steve Irwin for this stunt take their kids in the car without safety seats or smoke when their kids are in the room?
I see ur point Rob, ppl put there children at risk everyday, as Im not a parent that doesnt really count to me, but anything cud hav happened while he was doing that. Accidents can always happen. He cudnt hav predicted if something was about to happen, whether hes trained or not. And as the child obviously isnt old enuf to consent, I dont think he shud hav done it. How many times did I say happen there??! lol
You actually said happen twice, 3 times if you count the time you said happen when you asked the question, and happened once! Can you not count or something???
But he is still putting his child at a higher level of risk than the child would of been in if he wasn't being held next to the croc!
Totally agree, I would not of done the same with a child I was responsible for. All I'm saying is that I don't think that we (not being croc experts) can asses how much danger the child was in (I'm guessing it's prolly less than crossing a busy road).
He is mad! Even when he and his wife got interviewed he still did not see the problem! His remarks were that one day his kid has to learn! At that age Im more than sure he is not learning! Anything cud of happened as he well knows!
there was a prog on from when his wife was fairly heavily pregnant & she was out with steve hunting the worlds most dangerous snakes...
haha did anyone hear what he said?? " the only way the baby was in danger is if there is an earthquake the size of iran which knocks me over and a drop the baby" LEGEND!
OOOh a lovely Promise messageboard discussion topic to kick off the new year in style *cracks knuckles* He obviously uses "shock" tactics like this to sell himself and what he does on tv... fair do's if he's using himself to do it - he has a choice in what he's doing... However (havent seen this clip yet so correct me if im wrong) this sounds like a very bad taste publicity stunt to revive his somewhat waning popularity - where's his kids choice in this eh? I doubt he would ever let anything happen to his kids, but using them to show off his "danger" antics pushes things a bit too far. IMHO
Its the same arguement that Donna Air's husband is using to justify him putting their baby into a pen with gorrilas.
& he's also a freak!!!! donna's mother works at bt & it's nee wonder donna's thick as pig's her mam!
If anyone should be holding a baby beside a crocodile its Steve Irwin. It's probable what his Dad did with him! Irwin knows what he's doing and wouldn't put himself, his baby or the croc in danger.