>> takeshis' castle.... anyone else seen this show on challenge tv???!! fucking amazing. you've gotta love those crazy japs.
Its a truly amazing programme. A couple of my favourite events include the one where they go down a slide in a tea cup and have to stay in the cup once they smash into the water at the bottom....and also the maze game. Its funny as fook when someone starts chasing them through the maze. The stepping stones game is piss funny too! Top viewing
One of the funniest programs i've seen in a while, love that one where they have to walk across that unstable bridge thing while they get balls shot at them to catch... some great nut shots
lmfao, the ones that just sprint into the doors r amazing, they bounce of at ridiculous speeds , lmfaoooooo, program is legend.
The show's a bit on the mental side! Can get a bit samey after watching the specials on Challenge though. Would love to enter a UK version. But what the hell do you win!? Has anyone ever seen someone win the Japanese version?
On the running accross the stones one, or the rolling beems, they soooo almost make it, then right at the death they fall in. So close... Has anyone actually got anywhere near winning the end battle though? The contestants are totally outnumbered. The chap who presents it, Beat Takashi, is a well known Aisan film star. His past glories include Battle Royal and Violent Cop etc...
Its all so evil but really funny...why r the gurls so shit aswell?! they dont walk properly they just throw themselves about!
Whats the other event where they send a ball down through this maze thing which is on a slope. The contestants then stand at the bottom, on this narrow ledge but can't see the ball and have to try and catch the ball before throwing themselves into a lake of mud Are these guys nucking futs or what?
can someone with sky tape some for me??... the only ones on the net have annoying american dubbing... ta.