That was ment tounge in cheek dude, however I totally have a right to cane xPx any time I feel like it. Paula, the incident with the Toilet Paper, like I said, I haven't heard that apologie yet babe.xx Cant beleive your just coming on line now. I'm donald ducked and wanna go bed. But I also wanna chat. Choices choices, but you did go to the boat wiv out me.:evil:
I apologised! its on the tread that you threatened that very same thing on! i tried to make your nye good tho, i sent balloons and everything! im hungry and its tea time but ill still chat coz im just that kind of mate. check your pm hunni
I'd love to fuck you hunni, but your in crawcrook and i'm in iraq, thats like 5thousandMILLIONmiles away! Ok, you apologised (tread, I think that should read thread!), but -oh fuck i should have pm'd you wiv this. oh well, atleast I won't have to tell them about the embarracing TP eppisode and now were even stevens! Love you!
yeah ok, thread, but thats only one letter, not a whole name, like say for instance Adam Sheridan? dont try me boy coz you know you'll lose!:evil: you got my letter yet?
No, haven't got it yet. Wouldn't post owt else, I'll be outa here in a couple of days - fingers crossed.xx Oh, we are also a clubbing jedi knight are we? Like as if you know it at all, been at it two minutes and you think you know it all.
least i dont pretend and make a tit of meself eh! i aint sending owt else, btw, what i wrote, been thinking about it and think it might not read v well, fraid that just means a bit more patience than you may have expected. if not you can E-MAIL (pay attention) me. when you back now like?