Xmas TV . . . . . was crap this year. Fools and Horses wasnt that good. Last years was much better, luckily i watched that on UK Gold earlier on. "Gary" That Alistar McGowan Posh & Becks thing was shite too. First 15 minutes were ok, but then it went right off, and continued to get worse. What a shite story. :spangled:
Agreed... OF&H is usually a guaranteed laff but I fell asleep watchin it until tom phoned to wish me a happy chrimbo. That posh n becks thing would have been far better if it was much shorter cos I couldn't be arsed to keep up with it! Bah Humbug!
xmas tv was great! was nicely rat arsed as World Idol came on so me (and my mother - great woman) booed and hissed everyone but Will, for whos act we got down on our knees in front of the tele and didnt make a noise... Then we watched pre recoreded Eastenders and cheered and clapped when den said "i was wondering when u'd show up" then when phill turned around to see who, den smacked him round the back of the head with a chair! and altho it was as cheesy as really cheesy knob cheese mixed with dairylea and primula, i smiled and clapped when Kat got her White Christmas ah...im sad (also drunk...sum1 add me to msn crasherbiatch@hotmail.com and talk to me!!!)
I aint watched much of it this yr tbh. I watched The Tigger Movie while eating my Christmas dinner And I watched The Snowman Thats pretty much it. Didnt sound too good anyway
report.. I watched five comedy-type things in a row:- Fools&horses - failed to live upto high standards bit disapointed, posh&becks - wasnt expecting much, ok dragged a bit Room101 - brilliant as always, at jonathon ross trying to put his own dresssense in!! Fast Show - mixed as always, Red Dwarf - pretty good, Kryten rocks Room101 the definate winner!
Jus remembered, watched "The Real Beckhams" on xmas eve, but Victoria does my head in so cudnt really get into it. :evil:
To be fair I expected a lot more from the Phil vs Den thing. Kat and Alfie tho........... awwwwwwwwwww..........
Ive totally gone off Eastenders this yr, its poo, and especially at christmas, all the soaps pull out all the cheese stops!!!! :spangled: