The simpsons Who is everyones favourite character on the simpsons ad what is there favourite episode ?? My favourite character is Chief Clancey Wiggum, and i would have to say my favourite episode is the one where Maggie wants to keep Mr Burns's bear, has the great scene where homer is at Burns's house as Burns wants to make him an offer to take his beloved bear back, camera goes to Homers head where he is saying " reject the first offer, reject the first offer" camera goes to burns who says " so would you like a cup of tea" homer storms out shouting " no deal Burns" it then switches to the simpson house where homer is sitting panicing at not having listened to what Burns had to offer, Marge says " ring him up if your so interested" to which Homer replies "your right i may still be able to get that cup of tea" hahahahahahahaha
It has to be Ralph Wiggum. Not sure abt favourite episode. I like Homer's 'aha-ha-ha-ha table five, table five' dance/song in the George Bush episode tho.
i like all the side charachters who arnt always in it, some of them are funny as... but is there any need for Lisa??? she spoils it for me, and her episodes with her into arent patch on other one
fav eposode is when Bart gets a tatoo and its xmas and marge spent all the xmas money on getting rid of Bart's tatoo, and they get the dog- santa's little helper.
The episode where Otto starts living in the basement of the Simpsons house and Homer goes down to confront him about the noise he is making playing his guitar, homer " will you knock that racket off i cannot hear myself think" total silence camera moves up to homers head, voice say " i want some peanuts" hahahahaha
too many good characters and episodes to pick a favorite. i can't choose... sorry i'll think about it.
my fave character wud have to be Homer and my fave episode is the one where acid rain is fallin and the aerial has fell off the roof and homer is runnin out and screamin cos he's gettin burnt and then running inside and screamin cos the telly's off!
Dunno about fav character but I love the Flanders episodes. My favourite bit in the Simpson's is in the episode when Bart starts hanging about with the vicars daughter or niece and she's a right troublemaker. I nearly pissed myself at the bit where you can hear the angelic choir singing and it pans into the church where you expect to see the wee girl singing and Ned is on the alter giving it laldy The Michael Jackson one is hilarious too.
Maggie is the best character - Shot Mr Burns, escaped from the nursery, has a starfish babysuit, has an evil arch nemesis
Dunno if i can pick just 1. Maybe Chief Wiggum..."Nice work boys..." There are too many characters to choose from. The ones that arent in it much are class. Groundskeeper Willy The fat star trek nerd, whats his name?
The thing that makes it so great is that there are SO MANY great characters. Not 2 or 3 like some progammes, not 10, not 20, but quite a few more than that. Almost all superb!
Homer every time , but must admit comic book guy is funny as !! Favourite episodes hmmmmm one of the halloween specials were homer goes behind the book case to hide from patty n selma n ends up in a 3d word and then in reality !!! Shop at the end Mmmmm erotic cakes !!!! The other is the insanity peppers , off wiggum , were he goes on a trip and has to find his soul mate , which is marge of course !! ...fidds...
homer is the lynchpin of the show (as regards humour week in week out) but as vin says some of the comedy moments offered by every single character at some point makes a best too hard to choose