How frequently do these kinda threads have to come around?? Do you not remember the very recent one Ruth?
my thread was entitled familyness!!!! just so happened i don't mind if a thread goes of on a tangent!
How the chuff did i forget topcat?? I had all the vids! How cute was benny?? (just realising how sad i am..... ) xx
where abouts ya off to? just don't go to the zoo helz cos u'll never find a nessy there!!!!!! bash i also forgot bout topcat!!!
danger mouse was a class cartoon, superted, that texes pete was evil, can anybody remember sport billy? , i can remember it, but no one else can.
lol nowhere interesting really....just dundee to see my roomies from india i doubt i'll see a nessy but someone told me theres quality haggis shooting in dundee....did you know they had one set of legs bigger than the other so they can run round hills?.....amazin