HERE IS THE STORY. PUT'S A NEW MEANING ON GETTING LEGLESS ON YER WEDDING DAY. A BRIDE had both legs amputated in the street yesterday after an horrific freak accident as she travelled to her wedding. She was riding on the back of a motorised trike when a gust blew her dress into a rapidly revolving drive shaft, dragging her from the seat. Relatives following the custom-built biker machine to the register office watched helplessly as the 42-year-old victim was trapped under the wheels. Passers-by dashed to pull her free but her blood-soaked cream dress was hopelessly tangled up. Paramedics called to the scene in a street packed with Christmas shoppers knew quick action was needed as the woman was losing so much blood. A doctor took the decision to amputate. One witness who saw the accident in the centre of Blackpool said: "It was absolutely terrible, like something from a horror movie. She kept screaming that she was on her way to her wedding." A woman who watched added: "Bridesmaids and guests gathered round her were distraught and people were screaming." As the doctor operated at the scene the bride was given pain killers and hooked to a drip. Firefighter Tony Robinson said: "She was all done up with perfect hair and makeup. It was heartbreaking. She was so close to getting married - 400 yards from the register office. "She was in agony although the paramedics were giving her morphine to stabilise her, she was conscious throughout. "Her feet, ankles and lower leg were twisted and shattered." The unnamed victim was comfortable in Blackpool Victoria Hospital last night. The man driving the trike was taken to hospital suffering from shock.
Your right, because she is also dying of cancer & now she has lost both of her legs on her wedding day.
aye, was reading it this morning, they had the wedding early cos they didnt know how long she had left. her mates were telling her not to go the bike cos the weather, but she wanted to do it
where abouts are you?im on the 2nd floor of lrc if you back in boro! btw-this story is well well harsh!
will be home later tonight!the salon is gash so i'm avoiding it!ste is aking a hardcore tape in the house so block your ears!
I know this story is very harsh but couldnt help but chuckle at the paramedic Tony Robinson!! BALDRIC!!!!